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Presos nos E.U.A 4 Genocidas Viciados

They were four ex-convicts — one a crack addict, another whose most recent arrest involved snatching purses — and they gathered their terror tools as they went.

They bought cellphones, the authorities said; they bought a camera in a Wal-Mart to take photographs of the synagogues in New York City that they wanted to blow up. When their attempt to buy guns in Newburgh, N.Y., fell through — their gun dealer told them she had sold out — they drove downstate, buying a $700 pistol from a Bloods gang leader in Brooklyn.

After months of planning, the authorities allege, the men had their first real scare this month, driving to Stamford, Conn., to pick up a surface-to-air missile that was waiting for them in a warehouse. One of the men in the car believed they were being followed by law enforcement, so they returned to Newburgh, drove around until they were satisfied they were in the clear, then went back to Stamford for their missile and bombs.

They brought them back to Newburgh, locked them in a storage container, and celebrated, shouting, “Allah akbar!”


4 ex-condenados, um viciado em crack e os outros ladrões de bolsas, eles compraram telefones celulares e uma maquina fotográfica no Wall Mart, para tirar fotografias das sinagogas que pretendiam explodir, ao tentar comprar armas em Newburgh, N.Y, e não conseguindo, foram ao Brooklyn e compraram por cerca de $ 700,00 de uma gange sanguinária do local, depois de meses planejando, poriam em prática este mês, dirigiram até Stamford, para pegar uma basuca, porém, pensando estarem sendo seguidos pela policia, mudaram o percurso e ficaram dando voltas na cidade de Newburgh, até sentirem-se seguros para continuar, chegando em Stamford, pegaram seus misseís e o trancaram em um container, e sairam gritando alegres "Allah akbar", provavelmente essas palavras são usadas pelos muçulmanos, mas foram pegos com a boca na botija pelo FBI, como podem ver na foto acima.

Fonte: New York Times

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